
15 Steps from Fire

“Angel of Mercy” By Jim G Peppler

When the fire took our home, it changed our lives & things have never been the same. I had to accept that from the very beginning. The sooner I did, the sooner I could move on. This was not the end of my life, this was just another chapter in my journey. I had to turn the page. But, I will never forget that day. How can I? It was a hot & windy Labor Day. We were unwinding & relaxing after a long holiday weekend. Our home was cooled & the blinds were drawn shut, to keep out the blazing heat of the sun. We were completely unaware of the raging fire that was around us. Had our son Jimmy not come home to check on us, I would not be telling this part of the story. Even though the fire had breached our property, he continued down the long narrow road, keeping watch at the flames approaching our home. He quickly drove up to the house & frantically called for his Dad & I. When I looked up, I saw 2 pillars of flames rolling down the hillside. It was ripping & roaring like waves of flames, crashing & pounding on the hillside! The sight & sound was frightening & it was headed for our home. Little did I realize that the picture Jimmy painted for us the Christmas before, would be so prophetic & symbolic to our story. Like the Lord covering us under the shadow of His wings, parting the fire that approached us… we were safe. When Jimmy yelled downstairs… “Mom? There’s a fire!!!!”. It took me 15 steps to climb those stairs, to face the fire that would change my life forever! 🔥


Author: admin

I am an artist at heart. I love people, music, writing, decorating, nature, art and the Creator of it all! I have traveled across the U.S. and over seas. I currently live in Paradise, California with my husband and family.

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