
5 times 5

Missing home, memories, simple pleasures, all the silly lil things that brought back that time in your life when the kids were young, when you were young. That vacation, time at the beach, family photos, memoirs, journals, music, songs, your favorite coffee cup, that lil souvenir or special love note, hand painting from your son or daughter. It’s all gone. How do you move on when you have lost everything? Remember all those photos you posted on FB? All the photos in your cell phone gallery? Take your phone to a photo kiosk & start downloading & printing out some of you favorite ones. Most places have that, CVS, Walgreens prob even Walmart. This feels like you have something from your home that you can hold on too, physically you can touch it and look at it & most of all it’s still here for you to see & bring back that memory of home. Go find some collage frames to put these pics in & when you have a place, you will have something from your home. If this is too soon, put them in a small shoebox or find a wooden box from your favorite store that you can store these in till you find a home. You will need this, it’s something tangible that you can hold on too. I know, you just wanna go home, if only you could. Home is not there, home is in your heart. You have the memories, the thoughts and feelings of home but …. it’s gone. You have to accept that, it is all gone. This is now your reality of picking up the pieces & making new memories. You will need to find some closure to losing your home. When you go back & dig through what remains of your home, it is a new kinda heartache, trust me I know, I’ve been there. But right now, your heart aches, your gut is in a knot & your mind is either racing or not able to think, in the zone. Take out a piece of paper from your notebook & write a letter to your home, you’re saying good bye. Be real, all your memories are in your heart but you have to physically say goodbye. Say a prayer & give this up to God to bring you through, He will. Now burn it, that’s right, burn your letter in a fire pit, or BBQ. Your saying good bye so YOU can move on & you ARE! 💔


Author: admin

I am an artist at heart. I love people, music, writing, decorating, nature, art and the Creator of it all! I have traveled across the U.S. and over seas. I currently live in Paradise, California with my husband and family.

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