
Widow Maker

Our home’s founding landmark has finally fallen. She was once that one resilient tree that represented so much hope to our shattered world. But after 2 years of watching her oak green leaves fade, her broken limbs & brittle bark break, she had become a danger to our home. She was indeed the grandest of them all. Now, she had become just another “widow maker” tree. As I watched her slowly fall, I shed a tear & said a prayer. I was thankful to have had such a stoic reminder to never give up in the face of danger. Her tenacity to endure the heat of the fire, that stole our 1st home; gave her such grace & beauty for me to hope in a better tomorrow. She was a symbol to us, a beacon in the storm, a tower of strength, that shaded our weary souls. As I pass the fallen landmarks of our town, I’m also reminded of all the precious times I found hope, in a place I called home. It’s a bittersweet moment to watch this huge change unfold before us. But then I remember that pillar of hope that stood strong. Like a light house through the storm, at once I’m able to make peace with the past. I’m able to accept all those things that I know I cannot change. My “widow maker” landmark is now put to rest. In her place, we’ll plant another landmark tree for our home. A living legacy that brings honor, strength & dignity, to represent the town that we are proud of. Paradise Strong!!!


Author: admin

I am an artist at heart. I love people, music, writing, decorating, nature, art and the Creator of it all! I have traveled across the U.S. and over seas. I currently live in Paradise, California with my husband and family.

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