
Castles in the Sand

Just when I felt I could take a deep breath, my heart started to break… I’d fallen again! I can still hear their words like an echo in my head. From a distant hushed murmur, to a shout from within. How could they not know, I’d heard what they said? How could they not see from their faces, I read! They pointed a finger & slowly I bled, from their two edged sword that cut deep to my soul. So fragile I was, & vulnerable too, but if tender I was, then I easily bruised. I tried to explain how my life had just changed, but I tired of telling my story again. Like my crumbled down castle lay spread in the sand, it felt like my heart had been crushed once again. I thought to myself; “No you don’t understand, I’m not finished yet. I’ve only begun something new in the sand!” I’m not over this, I know I’m not done, but give me this moment, I’m broken again. I don’t need a judge, I need only a friend. One right beside me to lend me a hand & one who’ll be there to help me defend. I may have lost much but my dignity stands, so come let us reason & make castles in the sand.


Author: admin

I am an artist at heart. I love people, music, writing, decorating, nature, art and the Creator of it all! I have traveled across the U.S. and over seas. I currently live in Paradise, California with my husband and family.

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