
You Matter Too

Painting “Giving Heart” by Ivan Guaderrama

Today I’m reminded of… you. I watch as many have fallen into dismay & disappointment. The world is unraveling & becoming a place of fear & anxiety. What does our future hold when we can’t see through the events of the day? We need to stop, turn the noise off, sit & appreciate what is in that moment. Do you know that you have been wonderfully & perfectly created for such a time as this? Yes, each one of you are gifted & talented with natural God given abilities that are unique & individual to no-one but you! No imprint is the same, we’re all made completely different from one another. So what we say, how we respond & what we do, does & will effect others. Actions DO speak louder than words but it is also by our words that our deeds are made known. Sometimes we must be bold, take a step & put our best foot forward. Esther was a woman who did just that. When she was asked to enter the Kings court to plead for mercy for her people, she was scared, afraid for her very life. To step into the Kings presence without a request from him was a possible death sentence, especially a woman of Jewish descent! She was careful as she fearfully hid her ethnic background yet, she ascended from her family’s home to the king’s harem & soon became his queen! But a twisted evil plot had been conspired by a palace official to destroy a race of people who were different from the traditions & culture of others. This was now her time to shine! She made a difference by speaking up & acting out in truth & love for herself & her people.

“If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?””‭‭Esther‬ ‭4:14‬ ‭

What a beautiful story… a real story of a life that mattered. One by one, each one of us have a story to share. You matter too. Just like Esther, you were made who you are, for such a time as this.


Author: admin

I am an artist at heart. I love people, music, writing, decorating, nature, art and the Creator of it all! I have traveled across the U.S. and over seas. I currently live in Paradise, California with my husband and family.

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