
Brave Hearts

“Guardian Angel” painting by Elena Cioluca

She’s looking out the window, standing… with a sharpened sword in hand. Nothing much is left in the midst of all the chaos. Out of the smoke He arises, she catches a glimpse of Him. His arms are carrying some & He’s holding up the others. The weary, weak & tired, who’ve crossed this rugged road in this battlefield called, “Home”. She sees these brave, courageous ones who’ve fought this trying battle; survivors of the fearless, who’ve stood the test of time. The tears, the pain, the sorrow, like a war that never ends. But victims of a tragedy, a loss or broken heart, is never just a quick fix or an easy fight to win. She cannot lead their destined path nor step into their shattered dreams of midnight strolls down darkened roads. They’ve traveled on those lonesome trails of wandering thoughts & deep regrets of disappointments of the past. Now she stands, her hand tightly grips the strength of a cold steel blade. It keeps all safe within her care as she secretly walks beside them & quietly defends. It was cut & made by the heat of a flame & shaped by the Masters hand. It breaks the cords that bind the hearts to release the pain & calm the storm. She stares in the distance, the shadows lurk in the still of the night on this moonlight watch. She sees the ones that bear the test of being pressed on every side, but they’re not crushed beneath the weight. Though perplexed in trials, they’re not left in deep despair because never are they abandoned by God. These are the ones who are held by the Lord of Heavens Armies. She is that one, their Guardian Angel, who stands in the gap to guard these precious ones she calls… Brave Hearts.

Author: admin

I am an artist at heart. I love people, music, writing, decorating, nature, art and the Creator of it all! I have traveled across the U.S. and over seas. I currently live in Paradise, California with my husband and family.