A silent picture can say a thousand unspoken words. In stillness it reflects that same emotion felt, at that special place in time. But with those pictures gone, lost in time or vanished out of sight, all that’s left are the distant memories in ones mind. Sometimes we see a gentle reminder, from a broken piece of something left behind. Perhaps that’s why we keep our precious items tucked away in china cabinets or carefully placed on painted walls for all to gaze & see.
“I remember the days of old. I ponder all your great works and think about what you have done.”Psalms 143:5
I walked my parents hall of fame with all our family photos, that also lined each room that filled the manor home. I quickly reminisced on a special memory moment. I saw my father’s face just as clear as yesterday. He was smiling with that gleeful grin, as he took my tiny hand in his. Thoughts came flooding back to me of raising our three sons, the years of busy chaos, laughter & the tears. Their Dad with his boys, is a memory that I miss, but I’ll never forget those days & always remember this. Baseballs, bats & leather mitts, wrestling matches, rolled up mats or grassy fields with football teams & benches filled with friends! Camping tents, hunting trips, hooking fish & sport events. All those treasured moments, where love of God & family mattered first.
“For I, too, was once my father’s son, tenderly loved as my mother’s only child.”Proverbs 4:3
Today I saw a picture of my grandson with his Daddy. They’re walking side by side & hand in hand, along a wooded path. I thought how fast that time has gone, between a father’s boy to man & now from son to dad. I’ve played these scenes in rewind, so many times before. But as I watched this moment, my heart was full yet, it brought a tender tear. For only I can see my memories & be reminded of the past, I have no older photographs that I can say did last. It stings a bit I must admit, I feel that wounded scar. Though God & time has made the sorrow less, I still can cry but feel like that’s okay, this moment too shall pass. My loss will always be there but I have much more to gain. I’m making memories, adding pictures & creating my photo collection. Counting my losses, are more precious & dear to my heart. Those moments in time have never been lost or forgotten. They’ve always been remembered by God & He is the One who brings these memories back to me.
“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.”Psalms 56:8
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