Today has been a somber day. I watched the funeral service for our nations 41st President, George H.W. Bush. At the same time, I stood watching from our studio window, as many of you drove up Pentz road to see the remains of your homes. Two different processions, one same purpose. To put to rest a life. One for our nation & one for the homes of many of you. My heart goes out to each of you. Though this is most difficult, it is necessary that we have closure to our loss. It’s important to see the remains of your home. Take a breath. You’re not alone. As you take this drive to destination home, I stand with you as a nation, a town & one heart that mourns the loss of so many. Your homes & businesses are what built the foundation of Paradise. A solemn day, a mournful time for our town. Let us stand together as we take a knee, say a prayer & like the Phoenix, we shall rise again out of the ashes! 🦅