We all wondered when we were younger. “What will we be?”… when we grow up & get older. Then here we are, already there… living the Dream! Perhaps it’s not exactly, how we quietly imagined or perfectly envisioned. Maybe you took a little detour off the map, only to find yourself having to backtrack. I often thought that my passions & dreams would happen someday, somewhere, someway. But, life always changes & time never stands still. It’s always passing. Tick tock, round the clock we go, where it stops nobody knows! Before we know it, yesterday’s gone, today is here & tomorrow will come. It plays no favoritism to life or pays any respect for age. Sometimes I have to stop myself, forgive my disappointments, accept a new vision & remember the good that has come along the way. All that is lovely & true, beautiful & amazing, precious & real. These are more important to focus & ponder on. It’s not hard to see the bad times & ugly events of the past. But it’s better to seek for the truth, see the blessings & know that sweet peace that passes all understanding. We have to be willing to roll with the punches & let the chip on our shoulder roll down off the sweat of our back. I’m learning to be okay with that; willing to give up what I’ve got to let go. Because these are the days that are making it count; my choices, this moment, our time & these steps. I’m not just tumbling along down the road, as the song, “Like a Rolling Stone” sings. But I’m changing the tune, making a home in my heart, wherever I go. Unlike the verses, that speaks of a meaningless purpose, I need to have some meaningful direction & soulful connections. I might feel like the songwriter speaks of being on my own, but I know I am never alone or even a complete unknown. So I’m building a bridge across all the deep losses & making a path from these hard stepping stones. Like the Potter forms the clay of the earth to the wheel, He is able to make something more beautiful from this! Shake the dust from the man, shape a life with a plan, I am like a rolling stone; but I am created & held in the palm of His hands.